Thursday, January 3, 2013

Product recall and Advice on Contouring


Hey everyone,
Today's blog's focus is to kinda re-evaluate some products i mentioned earlier. Some products that i had good impressions with or liked, well, things have changed lol. First I'm going to talk about my love hate relationship with Bare Minerals Eyeliner. I wrote in one of my blogs that I like loooved it its the best bla bla bla, ya well its def NOT the best. buts its not the worst either. Here are some of its issues. 1) It's tip is too wide. No matter how hard i try to sharpen it, the tip never egts fine enough and it ends up being too broad. 2) way too creamy. when an eyeliner glides its good, but when its too creamy its much harder to control. Eyeliner is often applied properly when u use small like smudge strokes. Its hard to do that when the formula is so, well, MESSY. So here's my solution. If u dont already have one, u could go out and buy an eyeliner brush. Since the tip is relatively wide and the formula is creamy, it transfers easily onto the brush. Then apply the eyeliner using the brush. Its sooo much better for me I have so much more control and its works great :)

Ok so here's the scoop on Contouring. Contouring means you apply various creams or powders in the natural (or not contours of your face to extenuate and create a flattering shape to your face. This is often achieved by using a matte bronzer or special contouring powder/cream, blush, and a highlighting powder/cream. The bronzer/contouring shade goes under ur cheek bones, along ur temples and sides of forhead, under ur jaw and chin (optional), and the sides and bottom tip of ur nose (also optional). The blush goes onto the apples of ur cheeks. Finally, the highlight shade is applied onto the tops of ur cheek bones, along the length of the bridge of ur nose, cupid's bow, and tip of chin.
 So here is the thing. I am not a trained makeup artist, so i have never been trained to do this. I have watched several video's on youtube and read many a blog on how to do this, but to no avail!! Every time I do it I end up looking like a clown. It just doesnt work for me or of course im just obviously not doing it right. But what I have told u above IS what many many makeup guru's apply and tell u to apply creams/powders to contour. 

So here is what I do. I usu always at least put on a the high lighting shade. Then for my skin tone I have decided that bronzer or bronzer like shades of blush work best for me and I apply that shade under my cheek bones, on temples, and on my apples. So this shade does double duty for me and I think it works. I dont put bronzer on my nose since, again u really have to know what ur doing and have the right tools otherwise u look cra cra. plus Thank G-d my nose is really narrow (K"H) and the whole point of the contour is to make it look narrower. For those of u who pinker blushes look good on ur skin tone i suggest just using that and nooo bronzer. apply the blush on the apples of ur cheeks, which is NOT all the way next to ur blush abt 2/3 of ur cheek bone and apple from ur ear and then stop abt 1/3 away from ur nose. Im sorry if this is hard to visulaise which im sure it is...but IYH soon i will get my webcam set up and show u how to do it myself! :).

I hope u enjoyed and have a great time trying new things with ur makeup b/c thats what its all abt right? love ya'll mwa!

1 comment:

  1. I thought the Bare Minerals product had been recalled for a minute then I realized you were just taking back your enthusiastic recommendation. I am always concerned about personal product recalls.
