Sunday, January 13, 2013

Product First Impressions

Hi everyone,
i hope everyone is well. Its that time again, first impressions. So you tube...and being on a budget inspired me to resort to get some products from the drugstore that I usually would NOT get. I had this like idk, bug up my toosh thinking that I had to get foundation and stuff from more high end brands or else...I also overlooked a certain drugstore brand that i also "thought i was above", lol. Granted, often high end stuff is better for ur skin and may have better quality etc...but like i said im majorly on a budget and really dont have time to go get this stuff from fancier places, and I also needed something to cover a massive pimple that decided to make its home my so ya that's how life happens in my world...hee hee. Oh and I'll also add a product that u can really get anywhere that is cheap and the BEST eye make up remover I have ever used, no need to spend tons of money on shmancy stuff. nooo need! Ok so lets get started:

1) Covergirl CLEAN foundation for normal skin in Classic Ivory: Ok Chicas. A few things. Number one, i never thought in a million years i's actually buy and like covergirl foundations. The only thing i really like from their brand is there eyeliner and i really was being a snob and thought the rest of their products were crap. Which a lot of them kinda are, sorry. Not soo bad, but definitely on the cheapy side quality wise. Anyhoo, secondly, i really only used this so far really as a concealer because as u may know from another post i wrote, i really HATE concealers and foundations. You can read more about it in my post Concealer dilemma...i think thats what its called, lol. So here's the sitch: Totally by the grace of G-d i picked THE perfect shade for my skin. YAHOOOO. It also blends pretty well when using my fingers. OH, if anyone wants to clue me on on how they use a foundation brush and like if then u have to claen it off every time...LMK!!! So ya, the only complaint i have of the product is that its kinda liquidy so I don't know how well it would blend if i wnat to use it for my full face. IYH ill let u know if/when i do. Oh ya, and the drugstore i got it at, it was only $7.69!!!

2) Milani Runway Eyes fashion shadows in 07: So this is the brand I usually would totally over look. I thought it was "below me". But, i saw a makeup guru on youtube reviewing a Milani eyeshadow pallete and she gave rave reviews so i thought, what the heck. So here's the good stuff: The color palate selections are really pretty. The colors they combine together are really pretty and virbrant. Tip time: Neutral shades such as browns and beiges really make blue eyes stand out! So since I have blue eyes I tend to just be drawn to neutral palates and thats what 07 is. I will post a picture so you can see the colors, its 6 colors ranging from a highlight shade which is a shimmery like ivory to a dark matte brown. I looove the color combo its so perfect. So here's whats not so great: u will see in the picture that the shadow is baked into very thin strips of  shadow, so trying to get one color onto ur brush is a bit difficult. Also, the pigmentation is not great, you have to use alot to get the color payoff you want. However that could be a good thing b/c then its buildable and you dont mess up by putting too much shadow on ur eye. I got it at the same drugstore as the previous product for also $7.69!

3) Revlon Color Stay Eyeliner in Black:  Im a big fan of "crayon" type eyeliner. I feel you have a lot of control and u dont have the mess and hassle of having to sharpen ur eyeliner all the time. The pigmentaion is great and it does stay on for quite a long time. For all my Jewish friends, this stays on pretty well throughout Shabbos also. Downside, the application at first was not so smooth, but i think that may get better the more i use it. Im not sure how much this was but Im pretty sure it was a bargain also. 

4) Vaseline brand petrolium jelly:  So this is the product I was talking about!! you know, the stuff we all call vaselinE in the container with the blue cap. Ya that gewy stuff ur mom makes u put on ur chapped nose and lips when u have a cold...well at least mine did/does, lol. So ya, it works WONDERS!!! You just need a little bit on ur finger, rub it in just to work it into that stubborn waterproof mascara, the wipe it off with a wet/damp cotton ball and voila!! Its so fast. It works better than any other special eye makeup or all makeup remover pads, towlets, all that stuff. And you can get this stuff anywhere! I mean I saw it in 7-11! I dont remember how much i paid for it but at CVS online its only $3.69!! you cant beat that!!. 
Well I hope u enjoyed, heres the pics of all the stuff i just yacked about:

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