Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another song that Inspires me :)

Ok so my last post inspired...oish what another word for inspired...ok just looked on and the best i got is galvanized me...LOL. Anyhoo, my last post "glavanized" me...if thats even how u use this word, to post more songs that touch me and also have poignant messages. The first one is "Skyscraper" by Demi Levato. Oh my goodness how this strikes a cord. I think this really strikes a cord in all of us though because at one point or another in our lives someone has said something that has made you you feel broken, torn to pieces and just low. Truthfully, i know the song says to rise like a skyscraper, but in reality it is very hard. Words, and especially someone who ad experienced incessant bullying, including myself, hurt deep, they cut through a part of you and leave a deep impression that is hard to heal least for me who happens to be a very sensitive person. I love how this song in suhc beatuful words finally brings to the forefront of pop music and media the pain and anguish bullying causes. I know there are anti-bullying campaigns out there now, but to have a famous pop singer devote and single to it is so monumental and i was so happy when it came out. So this song is for all of you who have been deeply hurt by others words and will hopefully "galvanize" you to find that strong, beautiful, smart, special part of you, which you ALL have and tune into it to rise above it all like a "skyscraper" xoxox

Try (P!nk) - Sam Tsui

Hello peeps:
k so i know its been like forever since i posted anything but as ya'll know im a PA school student so i realy should be studying and not procrastinating right now lol....anyhoo while i was procrastinating on youtube i have fallen in love with Sam Tsui!!! he is soo talented, i belive he first came to youtube with his video cover of "dont stop believin" after Glee's pilot debuted. Anyhoo, he has come a long way since then with many more covers and duets with other youtubers and such and is coming out with his own album soon, yay! Ok, so i wanted to post this video becasue not only is Sam sickly talented in it, but the message of Pink's song Try is so important. I think the main message is that getting what you want in life is not usually easy. Real life comes with many challenges and hurdles. Her lyrics relay the message so beautifully (which btw she actually didnt write the song but wutver) the lyrics basically say that with desire comes fire like a firery passion and with that a chnace of getting "burned", a metaphor that what ever is worth something in life takes hard work and trial and error, and u will fall off that bike, or horse...but u just need to get up and "Try" again. The song is really talking abt love of course too b/c all songs r bascially abt that nowadays, but i think u can apply the meassge to all aspects of life too. I take the message personally and that is why i wanted to share it with you. PA school is rough!! No lie, no sugar coating, its rough. I feel like i kind of hit a rut recently and my motivation and spirits have been kinda down. Its hard to sacrifice time away from family and friends and time etc. So Ive kinda been down abt it. But this song gave me kinda a kick in the side reminding me that its not supposed to be easy. The end goal is amazing!! Becoming a PA is an amazing goal and accomplishment, with that though comes lots of fear of failure, burn out, anxiety, etc. This song reminds me it'll all be worth it in the end. I hope you can take out of this song what I have and that it inspired you the way it has inspired me.

Monday, January 14, 2013

More "pinterest" posts

"Pinterest Like"


Hi Ya'll,

ya i like to pretend im southern sometimes...anyhoo, i really hope i dont get in trouble for like copywrite or s/t but i put pinterest in quotes...?? anyway, dont REPORT ME,lol...The looks I am going to discuss today are actually not even from pinterest...they r from a website i have mentioned before which is basically pinterest just for makeup, hair nails...and i think thats it. You can join as an amateur or professional and ppl post looks they like or actually did themselves!!! Some of the members are really talented and I felt compelled to share them with you and put my two or three cents in. Lmk what YOU think and the best part is all the looks are do-able. Makeup application is really all about practice taking risks, and having the right products and tools. With the help of youtube...and hopefully blogs like this, ur sure to turn out a true makeup DIVA!!! Here are the looks:

I love this. First of all, I'm a sucker for sparkle! Secondly the combo of a goldish green plus the burgendy brown contouring on the outer corner is stunning and different. Color is often really hard to execute on the ye without looking like a clown...totally talking from experience here ur not alone!! But I think that this is a great baby step away from a neutral palate adding interest and a real mystical almost fairy-like vibe to this look. This is definitely a look you would wear to a fancy occasion such as a wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, Shabbos, etc, I would personally not wear this during the week. 
Beautiful is the first word that pops into my head when i see this photo. I mean of course she is a pretty girl but I just love the makeup. The pink lip looks so luscious and pouty, exactly what you want your lips to look like. As I have mentioned before, im really not ususlaly a dramatic bright lip kinda girl, i mean i just dont like how it looks on me. But, I think the application here is so well done that it compliments her rather than looking out of place and taking away the focus from the rest of her face which bright red/pink lips often do. I mean the way it actually makes her blue eyes pop is so cool. Who knows, I may just try to step outa my makeup box because if this :)
OK guys dont worry I am not advocating and encouraging you all to tease ur hair into a an explosion of a blow out!!!lol, this obviously is just for fashion purposes which i actually think looks really cool. I want to focus on her FACE ( i hope u can despite her overwhelming I wish I could zoom in here the makeup is so natural and stunning. I like that it natural but not too natural...if u now what i mean. The eye is done in such a way where it is exentuated with contouring without being a smokey eye. Also, the contouring the artists did is divine, her cheekbones are like amaaaazing. So even though her hair is huge, the makeup was applied sooo well that it exentuates her features so much that the hair does not wash out her face, which is anyway very pretty. I think depending on your comfort level, this look can go either way. I think it can go for everyday or for a wedding, party etc. The lip here is actually a bit matte, so for a party i would just add a nude or light pink gloss to jazz it up a bit. 
This eye look is kinda similar to the look i just spoke about, a natural look with contour. Now some people, including myself, get confused and think that this would be a smokey eye, and to some artists they think it is. But a true smokey is alot more intense, with more dark shades along the whole lid extending to rim the bottom lash line as well. This is just the kind of "bread and butter" of wearing eyeshadow that exentuates ur eyes and makes them pop and since its in neutrals can be worn with anyting!!! This look also seems a bit easier to apply than the previous look. A GREAT demo on how to achieve the basic eyeshadow look very similar to this is on youtube: Just a WARNING: The makeup artits is a GUY and he does the demo on himself, ya i was kinda weirded out at first but he is sooo talented and a really good demonstrator. So if that freaks ya out, i warned ya. 
Well I hope u enjoyed:) please SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, AND SHARE. TY xoxo mwa,Yaf 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Product First Impressions

Hi everyone,
i hope everyone is well. Its that time again, first impressions. So you tube...and being on a budget inspired me to resort to get some products from the drugstore that I usually would NOT get. I had this like idk, bug up my toosh thinking that I had to get foundation and stuff from more high end brands or else...I also overlooked a certain drugstore brand that i also "thought i was above", lol. Granted, often high end stuff is better for ur skin and may have better quality etc...but like i said im majorly on a budget and really dont have time to go get this stuff from fancier places, and I also needed something to cover a massive pimple that decided to make its home my so ya that's how life happens in my world...hee hee. Oh and I'll also add a product that u can really get anywhere that is cheap and the BEST eye make up remover I have ever used, no need to spend tons of money on shmancy stuff. nooo need! Ok so lets get started:

1) Covergirl CLEAN foundation for normal skin in Classic Ivory: Ok Chicas. A few things. Number one, i never thought in a million years i's actually buy and like covergirl foundations. The only thing i really like from their brand is there eyeliner and i really was being a snob and thought the rest of their products were crap. Which a lot of them kinda are, sorry. Not soo bad, but definitely on the cheapy side quality wise. Anyhoo, secondly, i really only used this so far really as a concealer because as u may know from another post i wrote, i really HATE concealers and foundations. You can read more about it in my post Concealer dilemma...i think thats what its called, lol. So here's the sitch: Totally by the grace of G-d i picked THE perfect shade for my skin. YAHOOOO. It also blends pretty well when using my fingers. OH, if anyone wants to clue me on on how they use a foundation brush and like if then u have to claen it off every time...LMK!!! So ya, the only complaint i have of the product is that its kinda liquidy so I don't know how well it would blend if i wnat to use it for my full face. IYH ill let u know if/when i do. Oh ya, and the drugstore i got it at, it was only $7.69!!!

2) Milani Runway Eyes fashion shadows in 07: So this is the brand I usually would totally over look. I thought it was "below me". But, i saw a makeup guru on youtube reviewing a Milani eyeshadow pallete and she gave rave reviews so i thought, what the heck. So here's the good stuff: The color palate selections are really pretty. The colors they combine together are really pretty and virbrant. Tip time: Neutral shades such as browns and beiges really make blue eyes stand out! So since I have blue eyes I tend to just be drawn to neutral palates and thats what 07 is. I will post a picture so you can see the colors, its 6 colors ranging from a highlight shade which is a shimmery like ivory to a dark matte brown. I looove the color combo its so perfect. So here's whats not so great: u will see in the picture that the shadow is baked into very thin strips of  shadow, so trying to get one color onto ur brush is a bit difficult. Also, the pigmentation is not great, you have to use alot to get the color payoff you want. However that could be a good thing b/c then its buildable and you dont mess up by putting too much shadow on ur eye. I got it at the same drugstore as the previous product for also $7.69!

3) Revlon Color Stay Eyeliner in Black:  Im a big fan of "crayon" type eyeliner. I feel you have a lot of control and u dont have the mess and hassle of having to sharpen ur eyeliner all the time. The pigmentaion is great and it does stay on for quite a long time. For all my Jewish friends, this stays on pretty well throughout Shabbos also. Downside, the application at first was not so smooth, but i think that may get better the more i use it. Im not sure how much this was but Im pretty sure it was a bargain also. 

4) Vaseline brand petrolium jelly:  So this is the product I was talking about!! you know, the stuff we all call vaselinE in the container with the blue cap. Ya that gewy stuff ur mom makes u put on ur chapped nose and lips when u have a cold...well at least mine did/does, lol. So ya, it works WONDERS!!! You just need a little bit on ur finger, rub it in just to work it into that stubborn waterproof mascara, the wipe it off with a wet/damp cotton ball and voila!! Its so fast. It works better than any other special eye makeup or all makeup remover pads, towlets, all that stuff. And you can get this stuff anywhere! I mean I saw it in 7-11! I dont remember how much i paid for it but at CVS online its only $3.69!! you cant beat that!!. 
Well I hope u enjoyed, heres the pics of all the stuff i just yacked about:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dieting...yep we're talking about it


Hey lovely lovely people,

Ok, so since this is a blog Im supposed to write abt my personal life right? However the topic I am going to brace is really something that every girl women and even men have in the back of there mind. DIETING!! Its such an evil word to me. I have never been stick skinny ever, yet I really did not have an issue with my size until really about college when I first began the horrible frustrating world of fad dieting. Thats when my weight  started to bother me and I felt like I wanted to make a change. So here I am on diet number...idk maybe 5, and of course i have fallen off the wagon. Its really hard because I was doing so well. But here is the thing about dieting and how much you is soo much about your mental health and state of mind. I let what other ppl (certain family members) said get to me and that thru me off mentally. You really need strong focus and perspective and emotional support when trying to change a lifetime of eating habits. Once my focus got derailed so did my diet. Ya and of course all these diets say, their not a diet their a lifetsyle chnage....ya whatever, if i cant eat all the crap i want to whenever i want to, thats a diet!! So here's my mental dilema right now. It has to do ALOT with the society we're in. Its so twisted. On the one hand we have more fast food, ready to eat huge potions food available to us than any other country in the world. Every TV commercial and  magazine advertisement showcases decadent desserts and entree's that have ur mouth watering. Yet the VERY NEXT ad or commercial will be shoving a new fad diet in ur face. You cant be happy because ur fat and so u MUST be on Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem or the 17 day diet, or whatever other fad diets you have heard of. It is very confusing, come eat our really fatty food oh but then go on a diet. Its mixed mesaages like these that I believe attribute to the very high percentage of ppl on anti-depressant/ anxiety pills. I mean who wouldn't get depressed if by looking at themselkves they don't see the immacaited Victoria's secret model that is supposed to be the epitome of sexy and attractive. I mean what guy would want "my body type" because its not the stereotype that is advertised and featured in TV and movies on a regular basis. All the dating shows ONLY have women on the show Im guessing size 4 and under. And when the media decided to be more "PC" they just clumped together all us "fat girls" in a show called "More to Love" which is a show that ONLY had morbidly obese contestants. I'm sorry, but i thought we got over the whole "seperate but equal" phenomenon in the 60's. Yep, im saying it, its segregation. Why cant a "reality show" show reality, where they have women of ALL shapes and sizes on ONE show. Yes i know that obesity causes a whole slew of health problems, Im in PA school right now and obesity can cause many health issues. However, with all the mixed messages of society out there now its very easy to get discouraged. I think that maybe the US just needs a major food industry makeover, and i think that would help this whole issue immensely.
kk, tell me what ya think, subscribe, and spread the word, love ya mwa

more "pinterest" photos


Here are some gorgeous makeup looks that I also found on facebook and other places. Get ready to be inspired!
Soooo pretty, i love her lip color here! :) this is from bloom. very dramatic but very pretty and sultry.another bloom look, sooo stunning :)
here's another look with a dramatic dark lip and pale skin, i just think this is such a classicly beatiful look, i mean it goes back to like snow white, u know they knew what beaty is and it still is so gorgeous in my opinion!yep another dark lip. I love this b/c the bright red lip is really dramatic and over the top in my opinion. when the red is more on the deeper side like this it still exentuates your pout without looking too va va voom. This is still so pretty, her lips happen to be stunning :)

"pinterest like" inspiration photos


Hi peeps!!

So I joined this site a while back thats basically a beauty forum called I really dont go on it anymore but it is connected thru my facebook and so I still see their posts alot. They ofetn post photos of beauty ideas that are often really cool and up and coming. I am really not so talented in the hair and nails department, but i just think these photos are really pretty and cool and thought you guys could benefit and get inspired. Here are some recent photos they posted:

Here's a photo from CVS advertising new revlon nail polish thats super cool: 
Ok enjoy :) Comment, subscribe and spread the word!!! :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Concealer Dilema :(


Hi lovely ladies and gents,

So this is prob going to be a short little post....although knowing me it won't be because I tend to write megillas!! (jewish reference for writing a really long drawn out paper or post etc). Anyhooooo, so I actually am turning to ya'll for some advice for ME!!! So here is my story, i basically despise all foundation, cover up, concealer, all that goopy crap u put on ur face which is really hard to match to ur skin tine and comes off on all ur clothes and rubs off......ahhh i really hate it. So, for a while i just didn't wear it. Thank G-d, He blessed me with good skin genes and I really don't need it...BUT, here's what happened. So for all of you who have sisters, epecially a twin sister, will be able to relate to my story. (sorry twinie, love you...)  My lovely twin who of course knows just what to say told me one day that i looked like i had been ounched in the eye and needed to wear concealer. Eversince then I tried to apply and use different products. Yet, to no avail, I still hate the stuff! It rubs off, never matches correctly and it sinks into my fine lines and EXENTUATES them!!! so it conceals the dark circles but makes me look older because it highlights the fine wrinkles. :( WHAT SHOULD I DO! Oh, and it gets better, so i gave up and started to just ditch the concealer and was all happy with it and then...someone said i looked TIRED!!! Yo, i dont care who u are that is just ruuuuude. dont ever say that, especially to a women!!! Even if u mean it in an empathetic just noo becasue that girl or guy will go into the mirror horrified and insecure....ya that was me. so ppaaalease!! Im begging you, what is a really good concealer that 1) stays put 2) conceals dark circles 3) does NOT emphasize and sink into fine lines and wrinkles. 

Thanks ya'll love u guys: SPREAD THE WORD AND COMMENT PLEASE :)
Yaf mwa

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Product recall and Advice on Contouring


Hey everyone,
Today's blog's focus is to kinda re-evaluate some products i mentioned earlier. Some products that i had good impressions with or liked, well, things have changed lol. First I'm going to talk about my love hate relationship with Bare Minerals Eyeliner. I wrote in one of my blogs that I like loooved it its the best bla bla bla, ya well its def NOT the best. buts its not the worst either. Here are some of its issues. 1) It's tip is too wide. No matter how hard i try to sharpen it, the tip never egts fine enough and it ends up being too broad. 2) way too creamy. when an eyeliner glides its good, but when its too creamy its much harder to control. Eyeliner is often applied properly when u use small like smudge strokes. Its hard to do that when the formula is so, well, MESSY. So here's my solution. If u dont already have one, u could go out and buy an eyeliner brush. Since the tip is relatively wide and the formula is creamy, it transfers easily onto the brush. Then apply the eyeliner using the brush. Its sooo much better for me I have so much more control and its works great :)

Ok so here's the scoop on Contouring. Contouring means you apply various creams or powders in the natural (or not contours of your face to extenuate and create a flattering shape to your face. This is often achieved by using a matte bronzer or special contouring powder/cream, blush, and a highlighting powder/cream. The bronzer/contouring shade goes under ur cheek bones, along ur temples and sides of forhead, under ur jaw and chin (optional), and the sides and bottom tip of ur nose (also optional). The blush goes onto the apples of ur cheeks. Finally, the highlight shade is applied onto the tops of ur cheek bones, along the length of the bridge of ur nose, cupid's bow, and tip of chin.
 So here is the thing. I am not a trained makeup artist, so i have never been trained to do this. I have watched several video's on youtube and read many a blog on how to do this, but to no avail!! Every time I do it I end up looking like a clown. It just doesnt work for me or of course im just obviously not doing it right. But what I have told u above IS what many many makeup guru's apply and tell u to apply creams/powders to contour. 

So here is what I do. I usu always at least put on a the high lighting shade. Then for my skin tone I have decided that bronzer or bronzer like shades of blush work best for me and I apply that shade under my cheek bones, on temples, and on my apples. So this shade does double duty for me and I think it works. I dont put bronzer on my nose since, again u really have to know what ur doing and have the right tools otherwise u look cra cra. plus Thank G-d my nose is really narrow (K"H) and the whole point of the contour is to make it look narrower. For those of u who pinker blushes look good on ur skin tone i suggest just using that and nooo bronzer. apply the blush on the apples of ur cheeks, which is NOT all the way next to ur blush abt 2/3 of ur cheek bone and apple from ur ear and then stop abt 1/3 away from ur nose. Im sorry if this is hard to visulaise which im sure it is...but IYH soon i will get my webcam set up and show u how to do it myself! :).

I hope u enjoyed and have a great time trying new things with ur makeup b/c thats what its all abt right? love ya'll mwa!

Products I Love :)


Hi Again beautiful ppl!

So I think I should tell u abt some products that I actually DO LIKE. I dsicovered from youtube, its like sephora but it has alot more sales, i think has more brands, and sells drug store brands too, which i guess is good if ur drugstore doesn't have a certain barnd or u live far from one. Also like sephora, They have their own Ulta brand cosmetics. Ok, I have a confession to make, I got sucked into the infomercial brainwash of PROACTIV. lol, u know that they have commercials like nonstop so it was kinda inevitable to finally succum...truth is, my skin has gotten pretty sensative and kinda more acne prone than i like, so i felt like i needed to try this "miracle product". So here goes nothin:

Ulta Eye Shadow in "Elegance" and "Eggplant": I absolutely looooove this color. its is so elegant!!! Its kinda hard to describe and it does look a bit diff in person than on screen, but its is gorgeous. Its not that great pigmentation but its def buildable and the best part is they r soo cheap, right now, they are ON SALE FOR 4$!!!! u cant beat that!!! and they r susually only 7$. its really a great buy! I also got this eyeshadow in eggplant. Eggplant has been a big color now in the makeup world recently. Its really flattering on brown eyes and I belive its upposed to be universally flattering. I also got it because its actually a great crease shade to pair with the Elegance. You could try that pairing and let ur friends know i told u so...:). Anyhoo, great product, chepa and oh ya, the variety of colors r endless!!!

Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer: I really like this product. Alot of other facial moisturizers I have used r greasy and dont blend in well and u end up wiht white streaks all over ur face, This procust feels so good on ur skin, u just feel refreshed! Its not greasy at all and blends into ur skin right away. Its also clear so no white streaks. Only downside is there is no spf, so u might want to use a diffrent facial moisturizer in the summer. Also, I belive u can purchase this product on its own from the proavtiv site, but i know when I got the proactiv system i had to ebcome a member and pay for product every month or every 3 months...not sure if u have to do that if u just get the moisturizer.

Ok thats all for now folks! Here r the pics:

eggplant elegance

NO GO Items


OOOK folks, so I know its been like literally forver since i posted anything...but like i have said, im a PA student and the past month has been INSANE!!! so ya, now that i actually have some time to breathe and wiht some encouragement from my fellow blogger ,Wear Your Invisible Crown, which u should def check out, Im back! yay!!! K, so i am going to be writing more reveiews on rpoducts i recently got. Here I think I am going to do some products that were a "NO GO" for me and luckily I have a twin sister who graciously takes whatever makeup i dont like, so more Chanuka presesnts for her, yay :). So see, its juts stuff I dont particularly like but that u may love. So anyhoo, here goes nothin:

1) NYX Retractable Eyeliner in "Blue Eyes": So I actually liked the way this applied,  it applied very smoothly and the pigmentation was great. BUT it just wasnt the color i was looking for. Also, its called blue eyes and I have blue eyes so i thought some how it would exentuate the blue in my eyes but i felt it did not do that. Sooo, yep, gave it to my twin sis and she's loving it.

2) NYX Retractable Eyeliner in "Deep Purple": Ya, for some reason idk why, b/c its the same company and everything, the application of this liner was NOT smooth, and the pigmantation was aweful!! It also is supposed to be long lasting and it wasnt. So yep, gave that to my twin too, not sure what she thinks though....

3) Bare Minerals READY eyeshadow quad in "The A-list": Ok, the hype on this product is unbelievable!! its made out to be some type of like miracle product!! So I convinced my mom to splurge for me for Chanuka, like i thinks its 30 bucks! which I guess is ok since u get 4 shadows...anyhoo, its  def not like AMAZING. Def got my expectations reaklly high and then its like, the shadow is ooookkk, just like any other shadow. It does have pretty good pigmentation and ok blendabilty, but its supped to last like all day  and be super blendable and really pigmented and what do u know...its not! I also dont ove the color combo, very very bright, its a bright purple and pink, way too much! So ya, def not worth the splurge here.

4) L'oreal Infallible Lip Gloss: So of course all these makeup comp[anies love to claim magical for real, this lip gloss is supposed to last on ur lips 6 WHOLE HOURS!!!!! Ya, what the hell was i thinking. Like how is a lip gloss, which is suppoed to be glossy and shiny really supposed to last 6 hours. well ya, i was lucky if it lasted 6 SECONDS on my lips! Its such bogus, dont be fooled!!Its also not cheap, depending on where u live im sure, I live in NY area so everything is really high but still, it was like i think close to $11.00. so ya Epic Fail!! :(

Ok So here r the pictures of the products above:
 1) 2)
3)4) Enjoy:)